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(매일 영어) [4/29 토요일] 필사할 만한 영어 5문장(k-pop) 본문

영어/매일 영어 5문장

(매일 영어) [4/29 토요일] 필사할 만한 영어 5문장(k-pop)

emmais 2023. 4. 29. 00:41

1. "K-pop has emerged as a cultural phenomenon that has captivated the attention of audiences worldwide, thanks in part to its innovative musical style and the appeal of its performers."

해석: "케이팝은 혁신적인 음악 스타일과 출연자들의 매력 덕분에 전 세계 관객의 관심을 사로잡는 문화 현상으로 부상했습니다."


  • Emerged (떠오르다)
  • Cultural phenomenon (문화현상)
  • Captivated the attention (주목을 사로잡다)
  • Innovative (혁신적인)
  • Musical style (음악 스타일)
  • Appeal (매력)
  • Performers (퍼포머)


2. "The popularity of K-pop has spurred interest in Korean language and culture among international fans, leading to increased demand for language classes and cultural exchange programs."

해석: "케이팝의 인기는 해외 팬들 사이에서 한국어와 한국 문화에 대한 관심을 불러일으키며 한국어 수업과 문화 교류 프로그램에 대한 수요 증가로 이어졌습니다."


  • Popularity (인기)
  • Spurred (촉진시키다)
  • Interest (관심)
  • International fans (해외 팬들)
  • Increased demand (수요 증가)
  • Language classes (언어 수업)
  • Cultural exchange programs (문화 교류 프로그램)


3. "K-pop groups often undergo years of intensive training in order to hone their singing, dancing, and performance skills to perfection, making them stand out in the highly competitive music industry."

해석: "케이팝 그룹들은 노래, 춤, 퍼포먼스 실력을 완벽하게 연마하기 위해 수년간 집중적인 트레이닝을 받는 경우가 많아 경쟁이 치열한 음악 산업에서 두각을 나타내고 있습니다."


  • Undergo (거치다)
  • Intensive training (집중적인 훈련)
  • Hone (연마하다)
  • Singing, dancing, and performance skills (노래, , 퍼포먼스 실력)
  • Perfection (완벽)
  • Highly competitive (고도 경쟁력)
  • Music industry (음악 산업)


4. "K-pop has also broken down cultural barriers and promoted diversity by incorporating various elements of Western music, such as hip-hop and EDM, into their sound."

해석: "K-pop은 힙합과 EDM 같은 서양 음악 요소를 자신들의 음악에 접목함으로써 문화적 장벽을 허물고 다양성을 증진시켰습니다."


  • Broken down (허물다)
  • Cultural barriers (문화적 장벽)
  • Incorporate (포함하다)
  • Promoted diversity (다양성 증진)
  • Western music (서양 음악)
  • Hip-hop (힙합)
  • EDM (일렉트로닉 댄스 뮤직)


5. "Despite the challenges of the pandemic, K-pop's popularity continues to soar, as fans around the world turn to music for comfort and entertainment during difficult times."

해석: "팬데믹의 어려움에도 불구하고 전 세계 팬들이 어려운 시기에 음악으로 위로와 즐거움을 찾으면서 K-pop의 인기는 계속 치솟고 있습니다."


  • Challenges of the pandemic (팬데믹의 어려움)
  • Popularity continues to soar (인기가 지속적으로 상승함)
  • Fans around the world (전 세계의 팬들)
  • Comfort and entertainment (위로와 즐거움)
  • Difficult times (어려운 시기)
  • Fandom (팬덤)

