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(매일 영어) [4/25 화요일] 필사할 만한 영어 5문장(시사) 본문

영어/매일 영어 5문장

(매일 영어) [4/25 화요일] 필사할 만한 영어 5문장(시사)

emmais 2023. 4. 25. 00:40

1. "As the world faces unprecedented challenges from climate change, it is imperative that policymakers prioritize investments in sustainable infrastructure and renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience in vulnerable communities."

해석: "전 세계가 기후 변화로 인한 전례 없는 도전에 직면한 지금, 정책 입안자들은 온실가스 배출을 줄이고 취약한 지역사회의 복원력을 구축하기 위해 지속 가능한 인프라와 재생 에너지원에 대한 투자에 우선순위를 두어야 합니다."


  • Unprecedented (전례 없는)
  • Imperative (반드시 해야 하는, 위엄 있는)
  • Climate change (기후 변화)
  • Policymakers (정책 결정자)
  • Sustainable infrastructure (지속 가능한 인프라)
  • Renewable energy sources (재생 에너지원)
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (온실가스 배출)
  • Resilience (탄력성)
  • Vulnerable communities (취약한 지역)


2. "The current geopolitical landscape is characterized by growing uncertainty, with rising tensions between major powers and shifting alliances challenging the stability of the international system."

해석: "현재 지정학적 환경은 주요 강대국 간의 긴장이 고조되고 동맹이 변화하면서 국제 시스템의 안정성에 도전하는 등 불확실성이 커지고 있는 것이 특징입니다."


  • Geopolitical landscape (지정학적인 상황)
  • Uncertainty (불확실성)
  • Rising tensions (급격한 긴장)
  • Major powers (대세 국가)
  • Shifting alliances (변화하는 연대 관계)
  • Stability (안정성)
  • International system (국제체제)


3. "The emergence of disruptive technologies is transforming traditional industries and creating new business models, presenting both challenges and opportunities for companies and policymakers alike."

해석: "파괴적 기술의 출현은 기존 산업을 변화시키고 새로운 비즈니스 모델을 창출하고 있으며, 기업과 정책 입안자 모두에게 도전과 기회를 동시에 제시하고 있습니다."


  • Emergence (출현)
  • Disruptive technologies (파괴적인 기술)
  • Transforming (변형시키는)
  • Traditional industries (전통적인 산업)
  • Business models (비즈니스 모델)
  • Challenges (도전)
  • Opportunities (기회)
  • Policymakers (정책 결정자)


4. "As global population growth continues to outpace food production, new agricultural technologies and innovative solutions are needed to ensure food security and avoid a global hunger crisis."

해석: "세계 인구 증가율이 식량 생산을 능가하는 상황에서, 식량 안보를 보장하고 국제적인 굶주림 위기를 피하기 위해서는 새로운 농업 기술과 혁신적인 해결책이 필요합니다."


  • Global population growth (세계 인구 증가)
  • Outpace (능가하다)
  • Food production (식량 생산)
  • Agricultural technologies (농업 기술)
  • Innovative solutions (혁신적인 해결책)
  • Food security (식량 안보)
  • Hunger crisis (굶주림 위기)
  • Avoid (피하다)


5. "The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep inequalities in society, highlighting the urgent need for governments and businesses to address issues such as access to healthcare, education, and technology, and to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources."

해석: "코로나19 팬데믹으로 인해 사회의 심각한 불평등이 드러나면서 정부와 기업이 의료, 교육, 기술에 대한 접근성 등의 문제를 해결하고 자원을 보다 공평하게 배분해야 할 시급한 필요성이 강조되고 있습니다."


  • COVID-19 pandemic (코로나19 대유행)
  • Expose (드러내다)
  • Inequalities (불평등)
  • Urgent need (긴요한 필요성)
  • Governments (정부)
  • Businesses (기업)
  • Access to healthcare (보건의료 접근성)
  • Education (교육)
  • Technology (기술)
  • Equitable distribution (공평한 분배)
